2010年9月12日 星期日

9/12 全家,拜訪 Taroh San 的藏寶

從中國回來,發現 Geocache 的感覺都跑掉了,幸好全家出動,媽媽還是犀利如常。拜訪 Taroh san 的藏寶 "迪化街",遍尋不著。正當全家人在樹下乘涼時,竟然看到一位女獵友。仔細想想,原來是 Taroh 嫂呀。呵呵,這真是太勝之不武啦。

Fly Over Me
Went back from China, I seem lost some sense of geocaching. Have some difficulty on finding the cache. Fortunately, my wife is still in good hand on it.
Thanks taroh for picking my sense back.



Medicine and Tea
We try to find the cache with the hint, howsoever, we didn't find anything.

Thanks taroh, we may wait your wife to confirm. BTW, could she also remeasure GPS coord? Thanks

Taking a Rest for Good Thing Happen :)

Medicine and Tea
We have to thanks to Junwei. And sorry, we should not ask too much to owner for GPS coord remeasurement, to put you under such mid-noon hot sun for more than 1.5 hour. Thanks so much!

Taroh, you do have a good wife. Even my wife envy.

The Log

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