2012年1月22日 星期日

1/22 春節台中尋寶

The Log

繼苗栗 geocaching 之後,接下來就是快樂的春節台中尋寶。好啦,打 4 中 2 其實也沒那麼快樂啦。

這是第二次尋找 taroh-san 的珍珠奶茶寶。夫妻倆人在一群好奇的顧客、滿臉狐疑的服務生面前,東摸摸、西看看、不間斷的鑽到桌子底下、又偶發性的爬上桌面,伸手往人家的屋簷摸來摸去。還要顧做鎮靜,裝得好像是一對不但對園藝造景有研究,還是天生的美食家。這對生性害羞的我們夫妻倆,真是太難了。再加上可惡的四弟,非但不幫忙,還在人群中跟著不安好心的訕笑,讓我這部戲演不下去,只好放棄入內喝珍珠奶茶去。不過,話說,這春水堂的珍奶真是貴得有點不知所以呀。

接下來幾個都是 wynando 的藏寶。跟著時間往前,wynando 的寶藏在台中越來越多,若說台中是 wynando 的地盤真是一點也不過份。來台中尋寶,想避開 wynando 的寶藏也難。baseball stadium 的座標有點飄移,若非與 Jing 兄,確認 GZ 點,要找到寶藏就難了。Panda Garden 是少數幾個 wynando 的寶藏可以很快找到的,既傳統又好猜,大概是 wynando 在公園休息,突然靈感一來,隨手放的。接下來的 Taichung Central Train station 又是麻瓜成山成海的難題,只好又飲恨,懷著怨念收隊。

珍珠奶茶/Tapioca Milk Tea
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.

Came here twice today. The first time, we ordered Tapioca Milk Tea, looked from inside and searched outside. DNF. Waiter told us, they will closed at 4:00 p.m. today. So we decided came here later.

The second time, the store is closed. We thought we could searched freely. But we were wrong. Because we felt like thieves outside and doing something bad. We quite quickly thane the 1st time. XD

Thanks taroh-san, this one is really tough for us.

Baseball Stadium
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.

The GPS lead us to a place with no metal at all. We searched without any idea why the hint. So I called to Jing for help.
He told me where should the GZ be. We searched one more time. And this time we found it.

Thanks wynando, the hind is very clever and unbelievable.

The Log

The Baseball Stadium

Panda Garden
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.

This is quite different from wynando's caches, this is very Traditional. We like it. we found this cache without a problem.

Thanks wynando for the hidden.

Taichung Central Train station DISCO CACHE!
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.

What's DISCO, which could be easily found at night? We don't know. We have no feeling about this cache. So maybe next time.

Thanks wynando for the hidden, hard to image where could you put a cache here.

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