呵呵,結果單車尋寶之後,時間已經晚上 9:30 了。
edgehung 的 BLUE 系列,主要以單車道為主。
結果竟然騎到大溪。 XD
Happy Birthday to My Wife
Today is my wife's birthday. We decided to have a bike and geocaching (well, what else it would be). Badly, I had a wrong image about the BLUE serial. I thought it is between Taipei City and Yingko. But, actually, it's between Yingko and Tahsi. So we took off very last. At the time we went to this cache, the first one in BLUE serial near Taipei, it's already 3:30.
The riverbank after this cache is the best part of the whole biking way. The scenery become very beautiful.
Thanks for edgehung for leading us this place. It have been a long time we haven't ride bicycle after we began geocaching.
The Log
The River Bank
I like easy cache very much
The bridge is cute and the cache is easy. It's my second's found. He enjoy it very much.
The Log
The Small Red Bridge
Wow, I have been Tashi for countless time, but I never know there is a park here.
Tashi river park is quiet huge and beautiful. And there is a dike quite high between the park and river. I found my children ran over it without fear, but myself is quite careful and bit of fear.
My elder son hurry went to cache location. And found in seconds. Thanks edgehung for the cache.
The Log
Da-Shi Riverbank Park
The bridge is also very beautiful
At the time, we went here, the time is PM 4:30. And we still need to back to home of Taipei.
The Log
The Kan-Jin Bridge
What a beautiful bridge.
We search the place twice. The first time we went here. We could not find the cache. However, after we found the cache, we are through the delicate of the cache.
The Log
Da-Shi Bridge
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