攀岩寶在幾次的遺失之後,終於又復活了。希望這次可以撐久一點。 :-)
Hunters' Trials: Rock Climbing v2.0
Rock climbing, one of basic hunters' skills.
This is one of trials to hunters' geocaching skills. I try to emphasize one skill at a time, and do my best to make it easy and fun.
Please climb up at the ground zero, and be very careful on rock climbing. After reaching to the top, please seek for 4 letters which in form of "NxEy", where x and y are numbers. The cache is at another location "N 25° 04.0(x+y)(x) E 121° 34.3(3*x)(y)". Please find the real cache and log your found with the pen inside.
I know this kind of cache should be Multiple, but since cache 1.x is a Traditional one, let's keep it that way. For hunters who has already found the cache 1.x, your are welcomed to re-log your found of cache 2.0. Please also be very careful, I could not take any responsibility on your trial. Maybe, take some warm-up and practice before reach to the top.
The location is inside Neihu Extreme Sport park. You could come here with a bicycle in west entrance of the park. If you came here with a motorbike or a car, you could park it at COSCO or RT-MART and walk to the park. The part is also very quiet, look around to find the beauty of the park.
Hunters! You are welcomed to post your photos of rock climbing.
Rock Climber
2010年6月9日 星期三
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