2010年7月17日 星期六

7/17 海馬兄的解謎寶


海馬兄的寶,一出來就是不同凡響。15 張台灣上空的衛星雲圖,要全部找出座標來,才能推算出最後寶物的座標。剛開始,很快的就可以找出大半的座標,但是那些沒看過的衛星圖,就讓我們吃盡苦頭。沿著海岸線,將所有台灣的衛星雲圖先看一遍,才有 11 個座標。只好連山線也一併尋找。

The Grids


The Grids
Yes! My FFFTF (First Five-start First To Find)!

Thanks Haima for the cache! Another master piece!

I'm now beside GZ, writing the log. The place is reaaaaly peaceful, however I couldn't hold the excitement inside myself. A 5-star cache! As soon as haima posted it on the net. Whole my family began to browse Taiwan km by km. 4 members of family, 3 computers in the house were full powered on to search. And 2 days after, we solved the mystery. It's an 1 shot answer when I checked it on Geochecker! I couldn't help to wake up my sleeping beauty to tell her that the Grids is solved!

The cache is hidden very well. I believe it will be just as long life as Long Tail Dragon. Thanks again to the owner, Haima, for the 5-star cache. Excellent work!

The Log

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