BuBuChen 辛苦的 hosting 了這次 event。也邀集了全家一起來參加,有許多從未謀面的獵友終於有機會,一窺驢山真面目。Event 之後,在海馬兄的帶領下,我們也順便團獵了幾個附近的寶藏,謝謝 BuBuChen 與 Edgehung 辛苦的設定。
引自 BuBuChen 的旅遊筆記本
Annual Event V : Miaoli Woodstock (2010)
It's so great to meet you all hunters. We have so much fun here.
Thanks for BuBu for arranging the event. Thanks, beluga and all for helping this event came true. Thanks!
Event V
See the sea
The place is very nice and beautiful.
After "Annual Event V : Miaoli Woodstock (2010)", we almost all hunters went to this GC. The place is located uphill beside the road. People lived here is also very nice and friendly, who even helped us on parking car. The view is also great, that we should stay for a whole. But badly, we have another caches togo.
Thanks to BuBuChen for the cache. We enjoy easy cache very much.
The QiDeng Station Underneath
BLUE: the End of the Road
The last time we went here for nothing but rain. This time, it is sunny, and hunters joined here for this easy one.
Thanks for edgehung, we enjoyed it very much.
The Log
Group Hunting
The Legendary "Le Red"
BLUE: White Cloud Bridge
Haima & Spicemama took the lead of our group hunting to the cache. For approaching to the bridge we even had an off-road.
Mama found the cache very quickly. And especially she found the second one, which is even been found before. So, we could call it a FTF, too. Thanks for edgehung for placing the cache near the Annual Event V (2010).
The 2nd Log
The Bridge
The Big Wind-Powered Generator
BLUE: Blue Sky Bridge
This is the last group hunting after Annual Event V. Haima & Spicemama took the lead to the GZ. The cache have been visited by them and Jing before the event, they didn't find it. And when we were still taking photos, mama has began to search. After group picture is taken, she found it quickly. Nice to her.
Thanks to edgehung for the cache. Time is approaching to nightfall and the scenery is very good here.
The Log
With Haima & Spicemama
With Apaopao
With Jing
With Fangyi
Happy Ending
2010年8月15日 星期日
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