終於呀,終於,Edge 的桃園系列寶 (TYPE serial),終於讓我們全家給拿下了。這一刻,小孩子們高呼著:『叫 Edge 叔叔請客!叫 Edge 叔叔請客!』。我拿起我的電話,忍著,想叫 Edge 快來 Tina 廚房。
遠從去年的 11 月 28 日,我們開始挑戰 "TYPS03: Wen-Chang Park" 開始,桃園縣大大小小的公園變成我們全家假日的經常拜訪的地方。每次假日,有時刮風,有時下雨,有時太陽高照,我們全家騎一台或著是兩台摩托車,從台北市騎到桃園,穿梭在桃園一條一條的大街小巷。由一個公園到另一個公園,獵殺著 Edge 將近瘋狂的藏寶『桃園公園系列寶』。找到的時候高興萬分,有時卻不耐地臭罵:這太刁人了吧。母親節來,父親節也來,連老婆的生日都來。有的時候,一天之內獵殺了 12 個寶,有的時候卻連 1 個都沒獵到。這之間,Andy 不知在摩托車上睡著了多少次,我必須用腰帶將他與我綁在一次才能繼續騎車回台北。甚至有次回到了家,我們夫妻倆人都晒到中暑了。半途想放棄,後來又繼續。終於經過了十一個月的努力,將近一年的寒暑,我們全家終於把 Edge 的『桃園公園系列寶』全部完封了!!!
TYPE37: Bade Reservoir Pond Park
Wow, Finally I solve the puzzle!
This cache have long existed in my GPSr for a long time, right at the beginning of my GeoHunting, and even before there is TYPE serial. I thought I'm very good at 3D looking, but I just could not figure out what the number is, even I asked edge to give me the original 3D image. At the last, I used Photoshop for help to solve the puzzle.
This is also the last one I hunt of TYPE serial. After this is hunted, TYPEs is completed. This is some achievement. I don't even visit such much parks at Taipei. Thanks edge, maintaining caches is really hard works. I could not hide so much caches as you do, just so is your finding.
Thanks edge again for the cache and for the TYPEs.
This Completes TYPEs.
4 意見: