2010年10月30日 星期六

10/30 父與子,新竹找媽媽順便 Geocaching

媽媽在新竹上課。爸爸帶著小孩在家裡作功課,越作越作不下去。外面天氣那麼好,爸爸想出去玩呀。於是就騎著摩托車,三貼到新竹拜訪 Edge兄 挑戰宇老時所放的一個 cache。順路拜訪李棟山寶。

Minor Peaks Trail 30 - LiDong Mt.
Just as edgehung, we didn't find the cache.

The title means a trail, however, the GZ we arrived is beside road. Cars rush behind me. I tried my best to search. Try to higher and higher. However nothing is found.

Thanks for alvincho. The cache is not easy, we may find it another day.

Oh, yes, we like edge's BLUE serial very much.

Even we are not arrived here by bicycle, but a motorcycle. We still enjoy very much along the way. I have been visited the road before, at the time, we need to apply B-type Mountain Entrance Allowance. Now, it's a free way.

Thanks edge. Your biking skill really impresses me a lots. It's not an easy biking trail.

We Found it!

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