2011年4月23日 星期六

4/23 與同事,桃園大圳尋寶之旅

幾次與同事 share 桃園大圳與八田與一的事蹟,大家聽了以後,都興致勃勃的想要一探究竟。於是 rudy 就熱心的規劃安排了這次的行程。除了拜訪桃園大圳的藏寶點外,也往南挑戰泡腳寶的那條黑狗。最後,行程完美結束,在大家意猶未盡之下,度過了充實的一天(以上為 rudy 自我感覺良好的描述)。

No. 3 Tunnel - Ancient canals series
revisited with my workmates. still with lots of fun.
rescue original TBs with a new one.

happy meeting


3 "water" marks - Ancient canals series
came here with my workmates. found nothing but fun.


DaQiDong Trail
We came here for a day of cache hunting.

Thank to TimL, it's a very good day for trip and geohuntting. We all enjoy the view very much.

New Home for chicken

On Trial 1

On Trial 2

Come Soak Your Feet!
We came here for a FTF hunting. As hkw0704 met, a black mean dog is blocking the way and protecting the cache. We hesitated for few minutes, wondering what to do with this situation. At last, I went in the fight zone, stared at him, he finally came down.

Thanks wynando, we took your FTF prize, NT 100, to reward our braveness, We enjoyed the dinner so much.


Prize from Wynando

Soak Our Feet

Soak Our Feet 2

Lonely Bridge

The Church

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