地理藏寶這樣的興趣可以結合單車與登山,讓其更加的豐富。獅仔頭山就是這樣的例子。原本在靠近三角點的位置,有個很老的 cache "Minor Peaks Trail 20 - Mt. Lion Head" 由 alvincho 所藏,只能以登山前往。今天我在山徑入口的地方,藏了一個新的,讓騎單車就可以到達。大家若有興趣,可以登山加單車,一次完成。
Entrance of Minor Peaks Trail 20 - Mt. Lion Head
This is the entrance of the trail 20 to Mt. Lion Head.
For you being here with a car or a motorbike, you should not skip an old cache GCR9ZA nearby. Be prepared an exciting hiking trail ahead. I strongly suggest you climbing up the Mt. Lion Head, as myself is a climbing lover, too.
For you being here with a bike, the Terrain Rating should be 3 starts. I strongly encourage you to be here in this way, as I'm also a bike lover.
But if you don't climb up to the Mt. top neither nor to bike here. The scenery here is still very reward. Welcome!
"Please post photos of your cool climbing or handsome biking, for I love to share and be shared photos with each other."
This cache could be easily muggled, so please don't put any TB/GC in it. Thanks!
With My Bike
On the Mountain Top
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