The Buddha
接下來的彰化尋寶,四弟再度發揮友愛的精神,載著我們夫妻倆,從彰化的荒郊野外 middle of nowhere,到彰化最熱鬧的八卦山來尋寶。
這次終於有幸可以見到傳說中的老人。這老員工,非常的盡忠職守。我們夫妻才走進 GZ 點,便見這位老人笑臉咪咪的走來。一副『抓到你們了喔』的快樂樣。我們也就很高興的,請老人家把寶藏請出來。呵呵,真是得來不費工夫。老人家說,好久沒有人來拜訪了呀,我看看 log,繼上次 wynando 來也已經半年了。老人家是有點寂寞,看到我們來,很開心的介紹道東書院的典故給我們知道,我們就著實的上了一課說文解字。
八卦山寶,是 edge 的第一次藏寶。雖為 Traditional,其實為 mystery 也不為過。因為根據定義,Traditional 寶藏的位置應該要與寶頁的座標一模一樣才行。也因如此,八卦山寶才有不少趣味。當然尋獲之後,成就感的非比小可。呵呵,這可是 edge 的處女作呀。
最後 BT 的老營房真是的個好地方。好安靜,好舒服。以這麼舒服的寶藏來完結一天的打獵,真是讚呀!
Hometown of Fiddler Crabs
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.
This is a place where every body should visit it at Chinese New Year, middle of nowhere, hometown of crabs. We came here by taking our ride of my brother. When we took out his car, he simply told me that the owner must be crazy to put a cache there. Please forgive him, he simply has no idea where those geocachers have been.
I climbed down the bridge to a place which is quite easy to get foot dirty. However I could no find anyway. We have no idea where could a cache could be. And I'm very glad that cache owner is edge, which means I could call for help. Thanks to him, he came here to put a new one in just 30 minutes. And we were glad to log a found.
Thanks edge, this is really a Happy Chinese New Year Geocaching.
FTF on a new cache
Happy Chinese New Year Geocaching
Walking Back
Ride the wind
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.
This is also in a middle of nowhere. This cache reminds me what will it looks like after the end of the world, windy, cloudy, and no body around.
We found the cache without any problem. And we were glad to find that cache is also going to be here for maintenance.
Thanks edge for the hidden, this is quite large cache so far I see.
Cache Owner, edgehung
Wind Powered Generator
Dao-Dung Academy
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.
What a special experience. As soon as we approach to the GZ, the famous uncle came to us, asking if we were look for a cache. Simply answering "Yes, we are", we got the cache. And he is so kind to tour us around this Academy, and even give us some permission to explore some forbidden zone. So we could take a close look to some art.
Thanks edge, this cache is guarded by the uncle, and became a classical cache.
We with The Famous Old Man
Explaining The Name of Academy
The Bell
The God
The God in Short Distance
Sir Juan
Great Buddha of Baguashan
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.
I'm so happy that I found the cache. This cache is edgehung's 1st hidden. Very ambiguous and faint descriptions on cache location, the coords of GZ is also not correct at all. And we spent lots of time wondering around and trying to figure it what those round stones, numbers on head mean and so on. But this is edgehung's first cache. How am I honor to find this cache. I'm so happy that we finally did it.
Thanks edgehung, please keep the cache the way it is. It is very memorable. Good for you!
The Buddha
In Front of Buddha
Hundreds of Buddha
My Wish Will Come True! ^^;
Old barracks
Happy Chinese New Year Vacation Hunting.
Cache owner have told me that it is "Xun" not visit this cache. I remember that and try to find a time to visit. Now, I could told to cache owner that I'm not "Xun" at all. Actually, I found the cache gracefully, only my paws got some dirt.
This place is really very beautiful. When we tried to walk down from hill top. I found the entrance is under construction. But it is easy reach from the entrance under the GZ. This place is very quiet, it is very comfortable walk on it. I could image those army should have some good and easy time here.
Thanks B.T for the place and hidden. This is benefit what geocache could bring to visit such a beautiful place like this.
Log of Final Stage
Log of 1st Stage
This Side to Enter Old Barracks
Beautiful Barracks
The Entrance
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