2010年6月13日 星期日

6/13 全家,漁人碼頭 Geocache

我們家在開始尋寶之初,很早就拜訪過這個寶,後來也陸陸續續地拜訪幾次,這次終於是讓我們手到擒來了!算算竟然也過了 9 個月了。時間過得真是快呀!

Arch to the Ocean
Wow, it have been 9 months now.

The first time I hunted the cache, it is almost 9 months ago. And this is our 3rd time visit. We finally found it. Oh, yes! The cache is hidden so good. I wished I have a cache hidden like this.

The major difference from my previous two hunting is that, this time we came here by taking ship. Last two times, we came here with motorbikes, and crossed the bridge from opposite direction. We were really confused by the left side in the hint. Now, by coming here with a ship, the hint turned out very clear and sureness. We took out a must-have camera and by taking few video. Yes, it is observed right in my video.

The day was rainy, so there are few visitors here. We have an easy time to take the cache. Also we enjoyed good food and singing in a restaurant. Evan it costed us a lots, but we enjoyed the peaceful time very much. Thanks for PsuedoSam, we have a good time.

The Log

Where Is The Cache?

Birdy, Do You See The Cache?

Nice Songs


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