2010年3月14日 星期日

3/14 北宜 Geocaching

又探 GC "Relay Station"

GC "Relay Station" 已經是第三次來了。

在取得坪林的 cache 之後,本來想好好悠閒一下,
拜 iPhone 之賜,發現附近的闊瀨還有一個。

Relay Station
This is our 3rd try.

Previous two, we didn't even arrive the stage-1 location. The first one, we came from Monkey Mountain. We only made it to Mt. ErGe. The second, we came directly to ErGe. But it was rainy. This time we had it from a southern trail, which we could ride motorbike to a close place.

The stage-1 is found easily, the 3 digits should be left for a long time. Very quickly, we arrived the final stage. However, the final stage is tough. We spent one hour for nothing. After launch, we continuously searched, and finally found.

The cache was very wet. My wife cleaned up every thing in the cache. We also replaced bags for better water proven. Now Soya Geocoin could live in the cache nice & clean.

The Cache

Army Camp



Midnight Rush
The cache is found in day-time.

The stage-1 is kind of strange. The number should be Arabic numerals, not Roman numerals. However, we tested quite a number of numbers, so we knew we are right. And the final stage is found very quickly by my wife.

The cache is nice, a very clever hidden. This reminds me edgehung's TYPS. Thanks hkw0704 for the cache.

The Log

The Bridge

Kuo-Lai Catenary Bridge
It should be easy, but we did not found.

The suspension bridge is my wife's natural enemy. It's kind of high, my wife could not stand it. Not even mention to search cache on the bridge. I took a lots of photo inspired by haima's log. However, nothing is found. After that, by hkw0704's photos, we search water, too. Also nothing is found. And it's going to be dark, we could only leave the place. Maybe next time.

The location is very beautiful. I have been biking through the entrance of the school. I didn't know there is a cache at the time. Thanks todofang for the cache. It made my wife impressed to my biking skill.

The Suspension Bridge

In the water?

Send Children for Watering Search

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