2010年3月31日 星期三

3/31 獵人的基本技:攀岩


這個『攀岩寶』,安置在內湖運動公園,就在我平常 bike-to-work (單車上班) 的路上。我在這個公園休息已經變成了一個習慣。很喜歡這裡的寧靜。這裡的寧靜,讓我有一種,像蔣故總統,經國先生對靜的定義。這公園坐落在兩條交通流量很大通勤道路上,車水馬龍,每次單車從陸橋經過,看著下方塞著不動的車陣,都有陣不言喻的優越感。公園裡,靜靜的,經常半個人都沒有,偶有單車騎過,兩旁的悶悶車聲,給了這公園特有寧靜的感覺。


Hunters' Trials One: Rock Climbing
Rock climbing, one of basic hunters' skills.

This is one of a serial of trials to hunters' geocaching skills. I try to emphasize one skill at a time, and do my best to make it easy and fun. Hope, this is the first one, and not the only one.

Please climb up at the ground zero, and be very careful on rock climbing. I could not take any responsibility on your trial. Maybe, take some warm-up and practice before reach to the cache.

The location is inside Neihu Extreme Sport park. You could come here with a bicycle in west entrance of the park. If you came here with a motorbike or a car, you could park it at COSCO or RT-MART and walk to the park.

Rock Climber

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