2010年5月16日 星期日

5/16 全家,七星山尋寶


『七星山寶』由一位德國獵友 KanWan 所藏。KanWan 與我們台灣獵友很真有緣份。除了參加我們的 Geocaching 10 Years Event 之外,他還在拿下 Tika 兄所藏的『國境之南』后,對他的女朋友 dupline 求婚了。呵呵,真是羅曼蒂克呀。而 Tika 兄也不遑多讓,把 Kanwan 這個寶的 FTF 給拿下。

『擎天崗草原』則是目前台灣最古早的實體寶。我們全家不但闖入野牛區,還在茅草堆中,像牛一樣的鑽來鑽去。讓我不斷地,聯想到龍貓中,兩姊妹在樹叢追逐的場景。好不容易,鑽到 GZ,可惜就是找不到呀!

Mt. Cising - a memory
What a coincidence!

The cache owner KanWan proposed to Dupline at GC "The most southern point in Taiwan". And the cache owner, Tikapo, of GC "The most southern point in Taiwan" is also the FTF of the cache. I have never imaged such wonderful thing could happen at geocaching.

We took some time to sit on the rock. The cache is hidden so well. Even there are many muggles, and the cache is not very far from the top of Mt. Cising, but we could still enjoy peaceful hunting, not interrupted by muggles. We could even take time to log the book and take photos. Nice hidden, indeed, and also very good location chosen. TFTC.

I took the couple of Italian & Chinese away to leave KanWan & Dupline a private space.
They definitely need it.

Crowded Cache

On the Top of Mt. Cising

Buffalo Meadow
The cache is really tough.

Those weeds around the cache are taller than me, and protect the cache very well. My family was determinate to the cache. We did our best to arrive the ground zero. However, finding the cache is much more challenge. Under the heat in weeds, we could only search it for 30 minutes and quit.

Thanks to the owner. This cache is by far the oldest container-cache in Taiwan. We will be back some days.

Tall Weeds

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