2011年7月5日 星期二

7/5 老大,台南長榮大學 Geocache 探險

這是我家老大(國一升國二)暑假小小的探險功課,前往台南長榮大學尋找他老爸大學同學 wangbb 所藏的寶。從他自己查資料、定車票開始,搭車、轉車,吃飯甚至尋求援助,最後再安全回到家裡。果然虎父無犬子,圓滿完成任務。

也特別感謝 wangbb 對我們家小犬的照顧!感恩啦!

CJCU - god bless you
This is a small adventure of our elder son, Reed.

He is given a mission to train his skill on planing and traveling. The mission is assigned by his father to find the cache hidden by his father's friend, wangbb. Reed needed to plan how to travel from Taipei to Tainan's CJCU, what vehicles to take and what objects to carry. He ordered train tickets on the Net and bought it on train station. He looked up the information of the cache and learned how to use a GPSr in 15 minutes. He took on the train on his own, the next day, and searched the cache in the university with the companion, (but not help) from cache owner, wangbb.

The only one problem he could not solve in a short time, is his English ability. Thanks to wangbb to put extra Chinese hints into cache to solve his problem. Also leading him without helping him too much on his way of hunting the cache. Wangbb also bought a lunch to him, which is very appreciated by Reed's father.

Thanks wangbb, my son had a great time on this journey.

The Cache on Final Stage

3 Wise Men

Feet Ceremony

Jesus the Shepherd

The Fountain

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