2011年10月9日 星期日

10/9 全家,台南尋寶


一直沒有找過獵友 shinn 的寶藏。上次台灣獵人網聚,藉由報告每個人的寶藏,感謝獵友們的辛苦藏寶,獨獨缺了 shinn 的,因為都在北部打寶,從沒機會打過 shinn 的寶藏。這次趁著參加同事 Lisa 的婚禮,終於一如所願。 ^^

也特別謝謝 WSJ 一家人的招待,住在你們家真的比旅館舒服一百倍啦!

National Museum of Taiwan Literature
What a beautiful place!

Thanks shinn, fortunately, Tainan city has you!

=== 中文 ===

一到在台灣文學館旁,馬上可以感覺台南古都,警察局、消防局的 building 都是古蹟呀!文學館本身也是舊的台南市府改建,好漂亮!相對的,新版的台南市政府,就有那麼一點不夠藝術感!


謝謝 shinn 兄,這是我第一次打你的寶,上次在台北舉行的 Event 中,我的 TFTC 的介紹裡,唯獨缺了你的寶。現在終於可以補完,沒有遺憾了。希望很快又可以看到你在台南新的藏寶,感恩啦!


National Museum of Taiwan Literature

Lovers Door

Koxing's Shrine
When I walked to the GZ, the hint confused me so much!

=== 中文 ===
離開文學館,匆匆趕來延平郡王祠,果然是歷史悠久的好地方。台南如果可以有古蹟、美食這兩個系列的 Geocaching,應該會是快樂的尋寶天堂。

不過,當我走到 GZ 的時候,卻深深感到疑惑。我測出來的 GZ 是在正門前,兩個花圃之間前面一點的地方。這個地方,實在很難讓我跟 hint 做連結!擴大範圍,找了一下,可惜還是找不到。只好先放棄了。

謝謝 shinn 兄,這座標感覺真有點怪哩!

Around GZ

Old Tainan County Magistrate Residencs
We went to the Residences, a grass keeper is watering his garden. We wait and wait. And finally, we called for help from tikapo.

Thanks Shinn, this place is really loving. And there were some painting beside the house, it reminded me the Rainbow Village.

=== 中文 ===

走到寶點的時候,工人正在澆水,只好在旁邊等待。等著等者,好不容易才離開。沒想到,才要開工又回來了。最後,拜出 Tika 王牌,才把寶藏找出來。

謝謝 shinn 兄,這地方真是特別!

The Residence

The Log

Log with Muggles

hundred years banyan in NCKU
Wow, amazing, how could this cache stay for so long.

We were having walks for these caches. The daylight became dark, when we came this campus. However, there were still plenty of people playing on the grass. The banyan tress is really huge, I'm wondering, how could the tree hold the weight itself.

And when we walked to the GZ, the cache is on the plain sight. It was put there, not hidden here. I was so surprised and wondered, how could this cache stay for so long. I'm kind of afraid the Travel Bug may gone, so I took it with me, and not put any TB/GC in it.

Thanks stanley, how did you know your hidden is safe? Amazing!

The Log

The Cache

The Hundred Years Tree

southern taiwan science park #2
Wangbb and I planed to have a bike to this place. However, just before we took off. It became rain. We waited for quite some while. There is no sigh of stopping, so we changed plan to visit with cars.

The lake is quite beautiful. We walked around to the GZ. The giant, yellow dragon, stands in front of us. I was wondering why to build a such giant here.

I plan to put some TB/GC into it. However the cache is too wet, I decided not to do so.

Thanks shinn, in few rain, the air is really fresh, today.

The log sheet is totally wet.

Wangbb & I

The Yellow Dragon?

southern taiwan science park
Today is ROC's birthday. The whole country is taking 3-day off. There were few muggles around. We only meet one, who is walking around the lake.

After he is gone, we began our hunting. This is a typical hidden place. So we found it quickly.

The cache look like full, I took out not thing, but instead we put 2 TB/GC into it.

Quite Full

South Tainan Station
What a loving and special place, we (wangbb family and rudy family) enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere here so much. Taking some drinks and looks trains passing by felt so good and peace.

=== 中文 ===
在 wangbb 家玩了好多遊戲之後,就要回台北了。在往台南高鐵的路上,我們按計畫來到台南南站打寶。

這個小車站,目前已經停駛,被改成餐廳。從餐位望過去,原來的月台已經不見了,幸好車站還保持原貌。餐廳三點半就停止營業,也樂得讓我們這些不速之客坐在用餐平台上,不受干擾。與 wangbb 閒聊一下,台南 geocache 的情況。還好,有 shinn 兄, biotor 兄,不致於太寂寞,也請 wangbb 多藏一點,造福南台灣的獵友。

謝謝 biotor 兄,提示很清楚,所以也找得很快。


The Station

Two Families

CJCU - god bless you
Thanks wangbb. It's so easy and comfortable to be a guest in your family. Chatting with you reminded me those good old times in my college and climbing club, those happiness and wildness time in my life.

It is so joyful!

=== 中文 ===
wangbb 謝謝你們家的招待。


Cache and TB/GC

Stage 2

Three East Wise Guys and Me

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