2011年10月22日 星期六

10/22 全家,三貂嶺火車站打寶,順訪瀑布群

Log and the Station

不曉得是否因為老家和就讀的國小都在鐵路旁,對鐵路與舊的火車站情有獨鍾。所以 wolfskinwang;uniquemoon 的 RSS(Railway Station Series)系列,我特別感到興趣。其實自己的幾個藏寶也與火車站有關。


很高興 wolfskinwang 在這裡藏寶,讓我有舊地重遊的興致。也得知附近有瀑布群,就一併拜訪。這瀑布群也是一絕,我們走到摩天瀑布已經天黑,在沒有月亮的夜晚,摸黑出來還看到螢火蟲,這感覺實在太棒了。

RSS : Mountain with Three Martens?
Ya, STF!

The station is so beautiful, I like it so much. I don't know why, but I do have a social feeling to Taiwan's railway system. Coming from trains, railway, to stations. Old style station always attracts me so much. I have been passed this station so much times. In my expression, it always rains and lonely. This attracts even more. I like lonely station so much.

We came here very late, actually, we took off from home around 2:30 p.m.. When we arrived, it is roughly, 4:00 p.m. Thanks to cookiehuang's log, we found the cache very quickly and smoothly. We decided to go to the falls of San Diego (yes, this is the English name of this place). Because of it is going to be dark and weather is very cloudy. So there are few people in the trail. We could enjoy a very peaceful walking to those fall. Although we only made to the seconds fall, by it is so worthy. The second fall called MoTen, there are some much water, very powerful. When we came back, we also found some beautiful Fireflies, so beautiful. My sons and I enjoy so much of the trail.

Thanks wolfskin and unique moon. Your hidden is very clever. It is so good for a beginner. Hopefully, we could visit your 2nd cache soon. And thanks for bringing us here.

My Sons

Beside Railway

In the School

The 1st Fall

The 2nd Fall

The Rare Signaling Block Systems

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